Bukit Tunggal Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangkaraya City, is the urban village in Palangkaraya City with the second highest positive cases of Covid-19 after Menteng Village (Data as of August 3, 2020). For this reason, efforts must be made to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic in the Bukit Tunggal Village. TropBRC LPPM IPB performs community service in this village by carrying out health and hygiene socialization activities to minimize the spread of Covid-19 and how to deal with it, including using natural materials around, namely by utilizing herbs. TropBRC conducts activities in the framework of serving lecturers and KKNT activities.

This activity is expected to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of the people of Bukit Tunggal Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangkaraya City, regarding efforts to prevent Covid-19 using natural resources around them, such as utilizing local herbs. The activity was carried out on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, using a Zoom meeting which started at 13.00 WIB and ended at 15.15 WIB. The activity began with an opening by KKN-T students, followed by remarks from the Head of the PKK, in this case, delivered by Ms. Retno, and continued with remarks by Dr. Deden Saprudin as a field supervisor. The main activity Prof. Dr. Irmanida Batubara performed was informed regarding herbs, biopharmaceuticals, and biopharmaceuticals in Palangkaraya, Covid-19, and its prevention, as well as the Preparation of an Independent Therapy Park. After the first material from PKK, they asked questions about the difference between TOGA and Independent Therapy Gardens and how to find the shelf life of a herbal medicine ingredient.

Furthermore, the second material, namely Processing of herbal medicine at home and Utilization of Other Natural Materials during the Pandemic period, was delivered again by Prof. Dr. Irmanida Batubara. Participants conveyed some of their experiences using herbal medicine for personal discussion. The last material was the Making of Hand Sanitizer, delivered by Dr. Deden Saprudin and continued with the discussion. At the end of the activity, games were provided related to the activity material, and 4 participants received prizes.

The continuation of this activity was followed up by KKNT students by applying the activity in Bukit Tunggal Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangkaraya City. The implementation of the results of the activity will involve the PKK, the ward, and the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the City of Palangkaraya, who have the opportunity to attend this activity.