Dear Sir/Madam,
Please allow us to share information about our activities,

Workshop of Basic Molecular Docking Batch 2

🗓️ Friday-Saturday, December 8-9, 2023
🕘 08.00-17.00 WIB (Full Day)
🌐 via Zoom Meeting

Dr. Setyanto Tri Wahyudi, SSi., MSi
– Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center (TropBRC) IPB University
– Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University

Fee for Early Bird: IDR 1.150.000
Normal Fee: IDR 1.350.000 (after December 1, 2023)
Discount IDR 100.000 for Alumni of TropBRC Workshop Participants

Rektor IPB cq Biofarmaka LPPM PTN
Bank BNI No. Rekening 0003898272

Limited Quota
🔖 Registration Link:
📲 CP Tiest (WA Only) 

Thank you, best regards
The Committee