On Monday (02/20), Bioinformatics Working Group, FMIPA IPB University, Center of Excellence in Science and Technology (PUI-PT) Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center (TropBRC) IPB University, and The Indonesian Society for Bioinformatics and Biodiversity (MABBI), held a Bioinformatics Webinar Series #30, which took time from 09.00-10.30 WIB via Zoom Meeting and Live streaming YouTube.

The activity was attended by 234 participants from academia, industry, and the public. The moderator for this webinar is Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, Ph.D. The speaker, Dr. Berry Juliandi, SSi., MSi, talked about “Peran Bioinformatika dalam Pengelolaan Biodiversitas (The Role of Bioinformatics in Biodiversity Management).” The speaker explained the role of bioinformatics, especially morphometrics, in biodiversity management.

For more information about recording, please visit https://ipb.link/ybioinfo230220, and for materials, please visit https://ipb.link/materibioinfo.